After the turkeys visited me a few weeks ago, I found it difficult to find things that I thought were more magical than that. So I didn't post very much. But this morning I awoke to a wonder in the front yard. They're back! I know you wanted more. Here they are, back by popular demand---
The Northeast Turkeys!
What do you mean you can't get in? Just wiggle the latch. |
Is that one looking at me? Maybe it's my red hat. Yikes. I think she likes me. |
Talk about a room with a view! |
All of a sudden a dark shadow covered the house. Was it a storm brewing? No, it was turkeys! (Note the little gnome house almost obscured by turkeys.) |
And just when the snow melted from the door so I could finally get out. A turkey invasion.
"All the single ladies, all the single ladies." The guys look appreciative, don't they?
And then, of course, the after-party.
Guys are incorrigible.
But sometimes alarmingly attractive.
But did you notice that most of the guys were too scared to come inside the fence? True. True.
And then they were gone. But not before stopping traffic on both sides of the parkway and reenacting a Civil War battle in the median. Not sure which one. May have been the Battle of Greenbriar River, which we all know was an indecisive one. As was this one. But they did win the hearts of passersby, and many cameras and phones were in evidence. And smiles, many smiles. Maybe it was the sunny day, which we all needed. But I think not. I think not. |