Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A few real live plants. Growing outside in the garden. Amazing. Finally.

A few brave plants have decided that the worst is over.  They are peeking out into the world.  Hopefully they know what they're doing.  We are all ready.  So ready.

It's a start.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Snowy Days in April call for Magical Bunny Gardens, Definitely.

It's snowy, slushy, cold.  Just ridiculous outside.  So what to do?  Instead of a big woe-is-me moment, just make a magical garden for a little magical bunny.  Now who's ridiculous?

Friday, April 11, 2014

Company for Dinner

Last year I decided that I'd like to make friends with the crows in my neighborhood.  It has taken a while, but finally a pair of them have realized that I am a reliable source of all sorts of crow delicacies.  I have been trying to train them to come when I ring a bell.  But they seem to just come over and sit in the tree above me when they see me come outside.  The other morning they were pacing in the parkway at nine in the morning when I usually feed them.  As soon as they saw the door start to open, they flew up to the yard.  Didn't even get a chance to ring the bell.   

Crows are very intelligent.  They are naturally suspicious.  So when  I put the food out, they approach it slowly.  And although they are sitting in a tree directly above the coveted treat, they fly to the end of the fence and then walk back up the sections until they reach their goal.

I'm not sure where my fascination with crows comes from.  Maybe from a wonderful book I read as a child, The Tapestry Room by Mrs. Molesworth.  A book about a little girl, a pet crow and a magical garden entered through the tapestries.  Hmm.  Now I'm the one with the garden and the crows are coming to me. 


Saturday, April 5, 2014

Just a little something that caught my eye.

Life imitating other life.  Interesting. 

And no, I won't tell you what it is.  You have to guess.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Flora Twilby, Garden Slug, lives on

I once had a garden slug. 

Yes, I did.  I brought her back from a trip to Seattle.  She was brown, about 4 or 5 inches long.  (Slugs are difficult to measure.  They keep changing shape and they are very slimy.  So this is just a guesstimate.)  Daughter Safia named her Flora Twilby, which is a very good name for a slug.  We kept her in a fishbowl for about 9 months.  She ate a lot of lettuce and other vegetables and every once in a while she would shoot a slime ball out of a hole in her side.  I don't know why.  As far as slugs go, she was a great one.  And she inspired me to pick up a pencil and draw.  Her curvy, long lines.  Her little feelers.  Her slime.  Just beautiful.  That was a few years back.     

Flash forward to a snowy cold day a few weeks ago.  I was shopping at Mother Earth Gardens .  In the middle of winter it's such a boost to visit a garden shop.  The smells, (they say it's the organic fertilizer, but it smells good to me) the gorgeous green plants, the planters just waiting for the opportunity to cradle all sorts of succulents, ferns, whatever your heart desires.  

Then I noticed that they had a display of beautiful garden-themed greeting cards.  And I remembered my lovely slug card.  (No, I'm serious.  It's lovely.)  I offered to bring it in.  

So on another cold, snowy day I packed up my lovely slug card and a few of my faery cards too, and took them over.  

And I am so happy to announce that my cards are now at Mother Earth Gardens, Northeast. 

So Northeast neighbors, please stop in to see my cards and all the other wonderful things that whisper spring.

And if you'd like to see the faery cards, well, you'll just have to stop in.  

What to do with a long, long winter

The long winter.  How we all have complained and agonized over this magical force that has held us captive in our cottages.  But what can one do about the weather?  Accept it and make the most of the days stuck inside.  

I decided to use the my meteorological time-out to sit down in my studio and create.  I organized, completed, filed, folded teeny, tiny envelopes, and dug out drawings I hadn't seen for a while. . . . It felt wonderful.  And gave me the motivation to come back the next day and do even more.  As I worked,  I got ideas.  Lots of new ideas. 

And so it goes.  I find the best way to be creative is to get going and make something.  Sitting and thinking about making something doesn't usually bring out the best in our creativity.  Just do.  The rest will follow.  Of course with a little help from our muses.  Whoever they may be.  This guy's mine.


Believe.  Create.  Enchant.