Thursday, January 9, 2014

And a new year begins

The end of last year is a blur of the click, click, clicking of knitting needles, the whir of the mixer, the smell of baking, of pine, of cinnamon.  The constant running up and down the stairs in search of the perfect whatever to complete the whatever in time to mail it wherever.  A frenzy of mind and body.  And then after the unwrapping and thanking and eating and eating, a calm.  Cold, cold weather.  Streaming Netflix and steaming cappuccino.  Bliss wrapped in white and light.  No schedule.  No deadlines.  Lovely, lovely, lovely.  

So after that long rest of the magical week between the 25th and the new year, I feel ready to focus on new ventures.  Although it hasn't been optimal weather to spend a lot of time outside, I still have a part of my garden inside, safe from the winter winds.  So I dug out my camera and took a few photos.  

 The aloe bloomed.  

Flowers in January.  In their minds, I wonder where they imagine they are. 

It always delights me when I see nature using a good idea in more then one place.

Here's to the beginning of a new year.  May it reveal many wonders and much beauty.  And remember, if you want to play, keep your mind open to seeing things in a different way.  
And look!


  1. Thank you for reminding us to look for the Beauty around us. That is one of my resolutions.


    1. I love that! My resolution is to eat more chocolate, but I can go along with you on this one, my friend.
