Thursday, August 8, 2013

Bug of Stone

I go out into the garden to get a few things done.  I see a cool bug and ask it to not move, do not move, while I run in to get the camera.  It doesn't move.  Even when I get really close.  It's so wonderful to have well-behaved bugs in the garden.
I didn't even need to put a quarter next to him for scale.  A bunny did that part for me.

And then, as long as I had my camera out, I did a little tour of the garden to see what was happening.

Remember the pretty little ranunculus?  Well, time passes.
Looks like a little nest of feathers now.  Interesting.

One of the new sun plants, Lobelia.  Planted it not quite knowing what it would look like.  Kind of brings foxglove to mind, with fewer gloves.

This tiny sedum just draws me in every day.  Yum, yum, yum.

The snapdragons are not very well behaved.  The bugs around here behave better.  But when one of them does stand upright and show off, well, they look kind of uppity.

But these don't seem be uppity.  Romantic, maybe?  But definetely not uppity.  

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