Monday, May 12, 2014

Raindrops Gone Wild

I know that raindrops look beautiful on petals and leaves.  Some garden photographers even spray the garden down before they take photos to capture the added beauty of the water clinging to the petals.  It rained again last night, so I decided to head out and find some pretty raindrops. 

I am still in the very beginning stages of learning how to use my new macro equipment. Today I added a new macro lens filter and went out to see what I could find.  I learned a bit about some of the adjustments I will have to make for future ventures with this filter.  But the images I captured, although a bit grainy, still revealed some garden magic.

I found the raindrops.  They were so tenacious and so incredibly tiny.  I was amazed by them. So glad I plopped myself right down amongst the mayhem.  Although my jeans ended up a bit damp, I feel I was justly rewarded.

I call this one Ridiculous.

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