Sunday, September 22, 2013

Took A Vacation That Turned Out To Be So Much More

I just got back from a magical trip.  A trip I have wanted to take since, well, since I knew that England existed, I guess.  The fairy tales, the novels of Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters, Daphne Du Maurier,  the mystery stories.  I  dreamed of the moors, the hedgerows, the green countryside.  Thatched cottages, cream teas, castle ruins.  
I found it all, but I also found so much more.  Some things that I hadn't counted on, that I never could have imagined.  I was so looking forward to this trip and hoping to make the most of each day away.  And also thinking how sad it would be when it was over.  But it will never really be over because, when traveling, you learn so much, expand your perspective so much, that you can never see things the way you did before. 

I learned that strip malls are not all alike. 

And that tattoo parlors can have an air of sophistication.  
Such a surprise to find ketchup can be so much more than you ever imagined.  Exquisite.

And now I know that whoever said that less is more may not be right.

And there are ways to enjoy boating on the water that don't make a wake. 

It's always enjoyable to enjoy a cup of coffee with friends, no matter where you are.

And while sitting and relaxing for a while, you might even get the opportunity to make new ones.

And everyone likes ice cream, no matter how it's delivered.

And gardens just do better when they get regular watering.

Travel to a different country, see different cars.

And homes.

Faery is recognized universally.  You will be greeted royally when the natives pick up on your sensitivities.

Although I tried to pack lightly, it seems a bit of guilt did sneak into my suitcase.  So many cream teas to enjoy.  So many Cornish pasties.  So I laughed when I read this as a warning.   

GPS wasn't always the answer.  But this didn't help much either.  Lost between two worlds.  That's really getting away.   

And although some designs originate for practical reasons, once they get into the cultural psyche, you just never know where they'll end up next.


You might not understand the whys and wheres of phone booth placement.  

Instead of putting up fences to keep the sheep, cows and horses in, another answer is just to put up a sign that warns you animals might be lying on road.  Please take care.

Bridges made of rock instead of steel don't rust.  They last for centuries.

But how did they move these huge rocks without cranes?

Some things just don't need explaining.  Or maybe can't be explained.  Whimsey is its own reward, and own reality.

Magic does happen.

Farming can be beautiful.

You can go down your own rabbit hole, never knowing what you'll see around the next corner.  Unless of course if you are in the hedges.  Then you just see hedges.  

Weeds can be beautiful.

Hanging planters can be more than you ever imagined.

Never having much luck with them here, I can see that English daisies do indeed like growing in England.

Instead of tearing a bridge down when it isn't safe, just label it.

And if your roof is a bit wibbley-wobbley, well, that just adds to its charm.  No need to replace.

But some of the buildings can remind us that household maintenance does pay off.

And that stuff about how the ocean is blue because it reflects the sky.  Well, that's just not true.  They sky was grey and overcast.  The water was turquoise.  True.

And it's so comforting to find out that Doc Martin is real.

It makes me feel a little bit like I belong just knowing where Henry lives.

And where Henry shops.

No matter where you are, you must always keep an eye on your dragon.

And make sure all his dragony needs are taken care of.

Find out what the locals enjoy, and tuck right in.

Trees have a majesty more awe-inspiring than any monarchy.

There's something lovely about looking through things.

Or over them.

You can discover a whole world just in the branches of a tree.

And when traveling on the highway, a gentle reminder to keep calm is always appreciated.

And you discover that all through history, some fights just might be doomed from the start.  Catapulting manure up at the castle? Return fire, arrows through a tiny slit in a thick wall.  Fair? I think not.  So sad that it just keeps happening.

You can get a whole new perspective on Don't go down the basement!

Do you buy a castle that is all snug and warm in the middle of a city, or a drafty one with a spectacular view?

Narrow roads call for narrow conveyances.

One doesn't always have to choose the horse.  

No matter how small the house, individuality is always appreciated.

If your pub is called The Inferno, location, location, location still holds.

Erosion can be beautiful.

Even a tiny pond can look enchanting when surrounded by a beautiful garden.

It's always magical to make a connection with someone from a different world.

And your camera can surprise you when it captures more than you saw at the time.

There are laws you can break that you didn't know existed.  It's always prudent to behave well.

I am already looking forward to traveling again.  Until I go in reality though, there is nothing to keep me from traveling in my mind.  When there's a will, there's usually a way.

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